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  • Elektra Roman Candle Cake

    An excellent aerial display featuring a wide range of multi-coloured effects including red and green glitter starbursts with crackle and fan shaped firings of blue stas with crackle mine and brocade with purple and green stars.This fabulour finale lights up the sky with brilance.

    8 metres spectator distance.

    54 shots

    Duration Time: 40 sec

    The law in the UK states that you must be age 18 or over, to legally buy fireworks.
    Proof of ID will be required

  • Kaboom Roman Candle Cake Firework.

    A series of crackle mines lead to red wave with white glitter, brilliant brocade with green glitter and yellow wave with white glitter. The finale features crackle mines leading to titanium chrysanthemum bursts.

    8 metres spectator distance.

    Shots 49

    Duration Time: 50 sec

    The law in the UK states that you must be age 18 or over, to legally buy fireworks.
    Proof of ID will be required

  • Magneto: This excellect Roman candle cake starts with gorgeous gold tail rising up to titanium gold palm bursts with red flashing stars, leading to more titanium gold palm bursts with white and yellow crackle stars and a golden finale featuring brilliant brocade bursts.

    8 Metre Spectator Distance

    Shots: 24

    Duration: 30 Sec.

    The Law in the UK states that you must be age 18 and over, to legally buy Fireworks.

    Proof of ID and Licence will be required.

  • An awesome serial display firework that packs a punch and impresses with gold tail leading to fabulous gold palm bursts with red, green and blue stars.

    8 Metre Spectator Distance

    Shots: 16

    Duration: 20 Sec.

    The Law in the UK states that you must be age 18 and over, to legally buy Fireworks.

    Proof of ID and Licence will be required.

  • Phoenix Roman Candle Cake

    A fast pased Roman Candle cakebthta includes impressive fanned effects and colours.Beautiful brocade bursts are the star of the show with red green and gold glitter.This finale is as impressive with giant gold alms and blue stars filling the sky

    8 metres spectator distance.

    40 shots

    Duration Time: 30 sec

    The law in the UK states that you must be age 18 or over, to legally buy fireworks.
    Proof of ID will be required

  • Stardust Mine Cake

    An awesome 25 shots mine cake featuring an array of colourful effects such as brocade with sky blue & white glitter mine and gold  palm & green glitter leading to a finale of brilliant brocade  & chrysanthemum mine.

    Display Firework: 8 metres spectator distance
    Duration (Approx): 32 sec
    Shots: 25
    Size: 112mm x 110mm x 100mm

    The law in the UK states that you must be age 18 or over, to legally buy fireworks.
    Proof of ID will be required

  • Traitor Roman Candle Cake

    A spectacular aerial display showcasing a vast selection of effects including fabulous flower crown bursts with blue stars, red, blue and green star burstss with gold crackle, giant gold willow bursts with blue stars and orange, blue and yellow star bursts with gold crackle.

    8 Metre Spectator Distance

    Shots: 36

    Duration: 20 Sec.

    The Law in the UK states that you must be age 18 and over, to legally buy Fireworks.

    Proof of ID and Licence will be required.

  • Vice City: The show stands out with excellent choreography and stunning colours! It features effects such as gold willow bursts with yellow and purple star, blue star mine with silver fish, red falling leaves and blue stars and chrysantemum mine rising up to gold willow bursts with crackle.

    8 Metre Spectator Distance

    Shots: 38

    Duration: 45 Sec.

    The Law in the UK states that you must be age 18 and over, to legally buy Fireworks.

    Proof of ID and Licence will be required.

  • Wizardry Single Ignition Firework

    A spectacular single ignition featuring red starbursts with white glitter & blue starbursts with red glitter. Red & green tiger tail with red wave rises to crackle bursts followed by silver whistles and showcases a fanned salvo of multi-coloured starbursts followed by crackle.

    8 metres spectator distance.

    Shots: 56

    Duration: 40 sec

    The law in the UK states that you must be age 18 or over, to legally buy fireworks.
    Proof of ID will be required

  • X Factor Roman Candle Cake

    Green comet tails lead to awe-inspiring green palm bursts with white glitter. V shaped firings of green tails up to silver chrysanthemum bursts also feature before the finale showcasing green tails leading to bursts of brocade and silver chrysanthemum.

    Display Firework: 8 metres spectator distance
    Duration (Approx): 25 sec
    Shots: 22
    Size: 180mm x 102mm x 150mm

    The law in the UK states that you must be age 18 or over, to legally buy fireworks.
    Proof of ID will be required

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